This post is inspired by Progressive Bloggers
1. Provided me with an amazingly political, non-traditional labourer, feminist, lesbian mom.
2. Inspired me to believe that I can do anything I want to do regardless of my gender.
3. Was the force behind the creation of the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival where I get my fix of feminism, womyn’s art and intentional community every August.
4. Got me the right to vote – and I have now voted 3 times for candidates who have won…which I think might be a record in my family.
5. Has been an all-encompassing theme in the way I live my life, the way I build community, treat others with respect, move on this earth and try to leave it a better place.
Post your own list of “5 Things Feminism Has Done For Me” and let Progressive Bloggers know about it!