The Panel

A few weeks ago I was on my first panel, at the Q-Me (Queer Media) conference in New York City.
It went really well, I met lots of new people that are interested in videoblogging, and it opened my eyes a little to the potential of queer media on the internet. I still haven’t had a chance to spend some time seriously thinking about what my goals and dreams are in the big picture of my own vlog… I need to do this soon. Part of the reason I’m so determined to get to Vloggercon is to be able to talk about these issues with other vloggers. Let’s talk about advertising, sponsorship, making a living off doing what you love. Let’s talk about access, availability, making this something that anyone can do. Let’s talk about who is doing this and why, and who’s missing from the picture. I want to teach people how to videoblog, that I know for sure. I want to take up queer space on the internet. I want my voice to be out there – amongst the L Word, Queer as Folk and Rosie Cruises. Someone might benefit from this, and I certainly have benefited greatly from being a part of this community.
Warning – the clip is a bit long – and I say "like" a lot.
If it’s not obvious from the clip, I’m’s biggest fan.
And big thanks to H. for being the videographer… when I come out to california, I’m gonna teach you how to vlog – mark my words.