Deb Richardson wrote an inspiring post recently about how to get the most out of the weekly 1:1s we have with our managers here at Mozilla. I’ve been very appreciative of the 1:1 time I get with my manager John O’Duinn because it’s often the time when big issues can get some forward momentum. We always have lots to talk about and it can be hard to stick to the 30 minutes we dedicate to the meeting. I think Deb’s format and structure ideas will really help us keep to the time window. I’ve always taken notes at the 1:1s up until now, but the new format made me want a new way to track the results of our weekly chats so I did a simple Google Docs spreadsheet and form to help me prepare and take notes.
I haven’t made a form in a while and I was pleased to discover that they now have a theme option, neat. So with my form and a weekly calendar alert the day before the 1:1 reminding me to take a moment to gather up items for discussion, I feel ready to rock this new format.