So the last task in the move from QA network to Build network is moving the production mozilla-central unittest boxes.
This will take place on Friday September 19th, at 7am PDT
The new production buildbot is already up and running smoothly (currently reports to the UnitTest tinderbox tree) so there should hopefully be very little impact when this switch over happens.
Basically, the new unittest buildbot slaves will start reporting to the Firefox tinderbox tree, and the current slaves will stop reporting there.
This means you will be looking at new slave names. There are 2 buildslaves for each platform and their names are as follows:
Linux mozilla-central moz2-linux-slave07 dep unit test
Linux mozilla-central moz2-linux-slave08 dep unit test
MacOSX Darwin 9.2.2 moz2-darwin8-slave01 dep unit test
MacOSX Darwin 9.2.2 moz2-darwin8-slave02 dep unit test
WINNT 5.2 mozilla-central moz2-win32-slave07 dep unit test
WINNT 5.2 mozilla-central moz2-win32-slave08 dep unit test
Thanks to Jesse Ruderman and others for working so hard on bug #450637, as it means we are now running unit tests on win32 VMs with very consistent results.
As soon as this is done, and working well I can tie up the loose ends, close out some bugs, update the config files and start looking at some new projects…like the test results – and try server unittests.