Source Indexing – setting up for CVS

Included with WinDBG’s debugging tools is an sdk that has some scripts to use for making a Source Server.

From what I have gathered so far, I needed to configure the srcsrv.ini file to point to my CVS repository – check, i pointed it to

Then I ran ssindex.cmd –server=cvs –source=c:source –symbols=c:outputdir with the appropriate locations.

First error:
ssindex.cmd [ERROR ] : A source control system must be specified using either the
"-SYSTEM=" option or by defining SRCSRV_SYSTEM in your environment.

Okay, so I realized that I should have been calling cvsindex.cmd NOT ssindex.cmd. Re-do the call…

Second error:
ssindex.cmd [ERROR ] CVS: CVS_LABEL or CVS_DATE not defined. Can't continue.

Gotta love that “can’t continue”, how dramatic. I remembered reading about the Label and Date setting when looking at the documentation for cvsindex.cmd -?? and thanks to Dave for noticing that it says “OR” not “AND” – so I set the CVS_DATE to today’s date and go for third.

Third results:
ssindex.cmd [STATUS] : Server ini file: C:Program FilesDebugging Tools for Windowssdksrcsrvsrcsrv.ini
ssindex.cmd [STATUS] : Source root : c:ffmozilla
ssindex.cmd [STATUS] : Symbols root : c:ffmozillaobjdirdistcrashreporter-symbols2007092823
ssindex.cmd [STATUS] : Control system : CVS
ssindex.cmd [STATUS] : CVS Root :
ssindex.cmd [STATUS] : CVS program name: cvs.exe
ssindex.cmd [STATUS] : CVS Label :
ssindex.cmd [STATUS] : CVS Date : 10/09/07
ssindex.cmd [STATUS] : Old path root :
ssindex.cmd [STATUS] : New path root :
ssindex.cmd [STATUS] : Running... this will take some time...

And it did take time…but after all was said and done – nothing seems to be indexed. Minor success anyway, I learned how to run the indexing command.

Back to the drawing board.

Thanks to everyone on #seneca who reassured me that I wouldn’t break the CVS repository by messing around with this.

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