As I download VS Express so that I can test it in that environment, I’ve uploaded two patches in the continuing saga that is Source Server.
Here’s what we’ve learned since my last post:
* cvs.exe that comes with mozilla-build has issues so it’s necessary to point your path to a standalone version
* the tinderbox cvs_root uses private key access so we have to alter symbolstore.py to check for an environment variable of SRCSRV_ROOT which will be set in the tinder-config.pl file to the public :pserver:anonymous@cvs-mirror.mozilla.org:/cvsroot.
* the reason that %fnchdir% wasn’t working in my VS was because the srcsrv.dll it was using was an earlier version. once I copied the version from WinDBG over to the VS devenv folder, it worked. Still don’t know where %fnchdir% came from (googling it only turns up myself) but I am glad it’s working now and hopefully VS2008 express comes with this newer version – otherwise the documentation will be instructing people to do all sorts of extra work
* the last piece of the puzzle – Why Doesn’t the Code Show Up After Downloading? – turns out there’s a little checkbox in the options for debugging – something about requiring the exact file match…uncheck that and VOILA! Source Server worked in Visual Studio!!!
This is awesome. I am so thrilled that when the two bugs are resolved, downloading a nightly and debugging it should be really really easy!
Time to update some screenshots 🙂