Fat Femme Mafia – Toronto Pride 2006

I’m leaving to go live in the woods for a month. No Computer, no keys, no wallet…just woodchipped paths through the forest, women working hard and a lot of fun with good friends. I’ll be getting lots of video footage this year since I picked up a 1GB card the other day so I could shoot up to 60 mins of video and then dump to my iPod and shoot more…well – anyway, until I’m back with my michigan stories, I leave you with the Fat Femme Mafia’s amazing dance routine from Toronto Pride 2006. Back on August 22nd.
Have fun, Lukas!!! Can’t wait to see the footage. And in the meantime, I’ll catch up on your videos I haven’t been able to watch yet 🙂
I’m just now catching up on videos from the last six weeks, having returned to the States from the Serbia et al… and I was wondering if you are going to Michigan. This answers it. I’ll see you there! I’m working lights on the night stage… and you probably won’t read this until after you get back, so …
Hey Lukas!
I don’t know how to contact you so I’ll just comment here.
I’m planning a meetup in Toronto on August 31st, so if you want to come… please let me know so I can send you all the details.
I wrote a post about it on the Yahoo Videoblogging Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/message/47264
My e-mail address is caseymckinnon ]at[ gmail.com
Hope to see you then!