Vloggercon 2006 – Second Post – About Walking and Talking

This is a response to a comment I read on Michael Verdi’s post on innovative vlogging.
Someone posted:
- Jimmy CraicHead @ Demand Condom said on 4 Jun 2006 at 8:46 pm:
My choice for the only exciting video podcast, vlog, whatever would be http://www.secretpants.net/
I found it on Firefox searching for something that wasn’t so self absorbed as the usual citizen jester holding a camera at arms length from his face, or watching someones feet walk along a path. It may be a bit for some but never boring. Vlogging should not be an iCam on someome who is basically reading a text blog. Give it an edge!
I’m interested in the discussion of what’s innovative in vlogging without the need to categorize or put down various forms of expression. I would like to see our community steer clear of loaded language like "talent" and "quality".
Thanks to the folks who helped me get to San Francisco for VLoggercon 2006 – it was a mind-expanding trip.
Well at least you didn’t video your feet while you walked! Best of luck…
Jimmy CraicHead
Interesting post. In some ways your approach to vloggercon mirrored mine. Also wanted to say I’m sorry we didn’t get to chat. Everytime I was heading your way I was intercepted by some other cool person. Vloggercon – an embarrassment of riches! Maybe we’ll have a face to face conversation next year. I’ll be watching, keep vlogging!
I love your style, Lukas. I don’t know you very well – only talked with you briefly – but I got the sense that your walking and talking is a major part of who you are, at ease with these kinds of conversations. So I love that you present it that way. It seems authentic to me, as real as we get on film, anyway.
Your vlog is hugely important to me, but our identities and values intersect, at least in part, so sure, it’s applicable to me. Sometimes I think talking about gender issues isn’t applicable to the vlogging community, but actually, it always is. It’s just whether or not they choose to make it so. And maybe some people won’t get it at first, but we have to keep doing it.
I also do it because I’d like for vlogging to expand, and if more people like you tell it like it is, maybe more will come to this medium. And THAT would truly be revolutionary 🙂
I think if you consistently vlog about something you should be ok. I’m all over when it comes to subject matter, but one thing I just try to do is keep things harmless. You just have to make it worth your time.
I think your reasoning for not being a panelist was sound. I was a panelist and then emceed the 2nd day, and it was fun, but it cut into my 1 on 1 interaction, which was a real loss.
On people being sick of walking and talking vlogs:
I like them. One of the cool things about video is that it conveys facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language. That’s rich communication, and unique for every single person.