Is that someone else with your name?

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This clip is from the summer – an interesting discussion about what kind of stuff people had found on the internet that freaked them out.  This group of folks are not easily shocked…



2 thoughts on “

  1. I’m posting this as a means of contacting you.

    I’ve seen several of your vlogs in the past and have been very impressed.

    At this time I am working on a proposal for the LGBT Journalists Association to have a panel discussion about video-blogging (vlogging) at their convention next September in Miami.

    Could you contact me so I would have an email address. I can send you the form which will explain the process and information needed.

    I hope you will be able to join us. I don’t know any other trans person who does the quality vlogs that you do.

    My email address is:
    My home phone number is 201-656-3280
    My vlog address is

    I’m late with the proposal. You can sign on “tentatively” if you are not certain.

    I just want a good diverse panel. I’ve also invited Brad, and he has accepted.

  2. I love that people keep asking you things in their comments.

    I have an obscure name as well, so no one else has shown up as the other me online yet, but I keep watching. I love that someone even thought to ask, “Is that someone just fucking with you?”

    Once again, I laughed out loud.

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