Well, the funny thing is – i haven’t had the time to actually VLOG! However, I’m having an excellent time at Vloggercon 2006. Right now there’s a bit of slow moment for me as I’m in between panels that are of most interest to me.
This morning I really enjoyed catching up with folks in a more intimate setting at Schlomo’s house for breakfast. Then on the drive to the hall, finally got to chat with Verdi a little about Node 101 and what’s going to happen next. Following this I went to the Node 101 and the Digital Divide panel. This was my favourite panel to date largely because it was so participatory. People were really engaged in the topic and I appreciated all the thoughts that a variety of folks shared. Also, it was probably the most diverse content to this point.
I’m excited for the Undiscovered Country this afternoon, when I go home I have to try the iMovie trick I gleaned from Josh about using soft focus to lighten dark video footage, and I’ll be posting a bunch of videos about this trip and a couple of the trip.
Key ideas that I don’t want to forget –
1. To talk about the vlog content, keeping things “safe”, and what if we were able to blog about ANYTHING.
2. Promoting your vlog vs. marketing – not being a slick, self involved, media provider, but still maximizing the amplification of your voice.
3. What I will do personally to assist in teaching technology to people.
and much much more.