Dubai and Dashboards

Two things on my mind these days:

Item One:

I will be attending the Education Without Borders conference as a delegate from Seneca College. Five students were chosen to represent Seneca from several fields.

My goal was to try and get a spot presenting about Mozilla’s partnership with the Open Source curriculum that we have at school, taught by Chris Tyler and Dave Humphrey. Sadly, I was not selected to present. There were about 1000 attendees from all over the world submitting their proposals so I trust there was lots of competition and that the selected presentations with be mind-blowing. Many of the attendees will be grad students presenting academic papers. It will be great to be there regardless, and I will certainly be pitching Mozilla development and sharing the Seneca teaching model to anyone who will listen.

Item Two:

Q4 is rapidly approaching its end and while I am working on the consolidation of build and unittest to the same buildbot master (when I am not studying for my exams), I am also looking forward to Q1 where I would like to spend some time gathering requirements for a meaningful dashboard of the unittest information that would be useful to developers.

I’m not sure how one gets this kind of conversation started. It would be great to hear from people who care about unittest results and have opinions on what they use the information for. Would a questionnaire be useful? Should I start a forum discussion?

I’ll continue to think on that and ask around for ideas on how to do this right. Has anyone been successful in creating a dashboard that is used frequently?

One thought on “Dubai and Dashboards

  1. I’m doing the l10n dashboard, which is at least partly based on buildbot-generated data.

    I’d say that counts as a at least a partial “yes”.

    In my experience, there are two steps, one is to get machine-readable data, and the other is to find a not too bad representation of that. I’d suggest that you actually seperate the two, so you can develop the presentation independently of the data. I locally use json to store information about my l10n builds, and then either exhibit or web-app-ish pages on top of that. ymmv.

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