Gem Sweater Bootleg – Leslie and The LYs in Canada

This week at the TAAFI gala opening, Leslie and the LYs made their Canadian debut to mass hysteria. This was a fucking awesome show. Leslie is a great performer – and she rocked the house! My friends Tracy and Allyson were guest LYs – Al’s playing the DJ box and Tracy’s on the keyboards.
The best part is that I had a camera at the back of the room that the Gladstone was using to make a live feed for those who couldn’t get close enough – AND I was right up front with my trusty digital camera that records unlimited video clips – so I synched up the sound from the back camera with the images from up front.
Anyway, I’ve got a couple more songs I can put up over the next few days, plus a song from Stinkmitt who performed as well.
hey lukas
how do i do this video thing?
i’m ready…
Helloo Luu!
Many many thanx! Love the lovely vids
esp. Leslie & The Lys at TAAFI !!!