I wanted to let you know that, if you want, you can use blip to post video to your blog automatically. Check out your blip preferences and click on “Blogs.”
There’s a wizard to add your blog to your blip account, and then you’ll be able to cross-post whatever you do on blip to backinblakk automatically.
Feel free to IM me, by the way. I’m on as either “mikehudack” or “owlclone” on AIM almost every minute of every day.
Well, I’m fascinated.
Can I sample sounds from your films?
You shared your movies…can The People’s Tongue return the favor with some tunes? Our songs are available for nothing if you want them. Leave feedback if you get a chance.
Hey Lukas!
Thanks for using blip, and for linking to us!
I wanted to let you know that, if you want, you can use blip to post video to your blog automatically. Check out your blip preferences and click on “Blogs.”
There’s a wizard to add your blog to your blip account, and then you’ll be able to cross-post whatever you do on blip to backinblakk automatically.
Feel free to IM me, by the way. I’m on as either “mikehudack” or “owlclone” on AIM almost every minute of every day.
Well, I’m fascinated.
Can I sample sounds from your films?
You shared your movies…can The People’s Tongue return the favor with some tunes? Our songs are available for nothing if you want them. Leave feedback if you get a chance.